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Nostalgia wins out in the Christmas adverts battle


A generation ago, the challenge used to be ‘Who’s the Christmas number one?’ The way we enjoyed our music back then meant huge value and notoriety came with being top of the charts as the year closed. The exact same question is still being asked today, though it doesn’t relate to music. Instead, it’s ‘Which television advert deserves the top spot?’ The standout winner of the advert wars over the last few years has been John Lewis. Trumping Coca Cola’s popularity, and their familiar ‘holidays are coming’ HGVs, John Lewis spend their year working on the advert of the year they want us to enjoy. The anticipation of what John Lewis, M&S and Sainsburys et al may produce at Christmas is the subject of many newspaper and blog articles, and they rarely disappoint. So, what is it about Christmas adverts from these companies that see us in such a flutter? The best ones tell a story. Not a story that relates to the brand, which is ironic, as most marketers would scream about brand recognition and product placement when creating content. John Lewis has played a blinder of a long game in this respect, as their Christmas adverts have become synonymous with their brand, despite the fact that their shops, staff, products and logo are barely referenced within the adverts themselves. Playing on themes that typically involve family times and relationships, the Christmas adverts of today leave viewers with warm, fuzzy feelings. They focus on the true meaning of Christmas and not its commercialism, which is ironic, given that they often come from huge retailers. They’re always well shot…true cinematic productions with emotive storylines that people can identify with; in short, masterpieces. This year, for the Christmas of 2019, it seems Sky has pipped John Lewis to the top spot for a change. Their idea to paint another chapter in the relationship between E.T. and Elliot is inspired; the collective buying power of parents represents a huge market to tap into, and it’s these people who have grown up with the funny-looking alien and his young pal. Kids today may love the advert itself, but their parents will enjoy it on another level: fuzzy feelings through sheer nostalgia. All content created in your business tells a story of some kind (or it should). Take a leaf out of the big retailers’ books and create your own cinematic sensation for Christmas 2020. Though it may not have the same exposure as Sky’s advert or those from the large department stores, it has the opportunity to go viral, which will bring you plenty of attention if people love it. Novus Marketing Solutions produce beautiful videos and short films for their clients; they can also help businesses storyboard their ideas and how to get them into the ether. As video marketing specialists, they know more than most about how powerful a good video can be…whether the client is John Lewis or Joe Bloggs. Visit Novus’s website and complete the contact form for more information:


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